Colors of the rainbow今天契而不捨地尋找、終於找到民國55年詹小屏唱的這首歌我好厲害 歌詞英文的部份都沒有記錯曲 : 姚敏 / 詞 : 葉雯明知道我不該愛你,為什麼好像有聯繫,我也曾決意想忘記,一轉眼偏又想起你。明知道我不該酒店經紀想你,為什麼好像有回憶,我也曾決意想忘記,一轉眼偏又惦記你。你莫非有魔力總叫我懷念你,懷唸著你的情意,你莫非有魔力總叫我盼望你,盼望著和你在一起。明知道我不該愛你,為什麼好像有聯繫,我也曾決意想忘記,一轉眼偏又想起你。I saw the colors of the rainbowUp 酒店工作there against the distance sunglowThe air was soft and blue birds could hideI wished that time was on my sideSo I could ride that pretty rainbowAnd fly across the western skySo come with me and you'll see my friendThe colors of the rainbow's 酒店打工endI always remember of how we used to meetI heard sweet songs up aboveThe meadow was so green when I sat down to dreamThat was the time when I found loveI saw the colors of the rainbowUp there against the distance sunglowOne summer's days that 酒店兼職rainbow cameTo chase away the morning rainI always remember of how we used to meetI heard sweet songs up aboveI saw the colors of the rainbowUp there against the distance sunglowOne summer's day that rainbow cameTo chase away the morning rainI sat 長灘島down to dreamAnd that was the time when I found love音樂有點老,先唱完中文才唱英文, 就請有耐性地聽, 將就將就一下喔! 有誰記得這首歌的歌名呀?請告訴我好嗎? 常想起一首老歌、但忘了它的歌名以The colors of the rainbow 和Colors of the rainbow上網都沒查到記得歌吳哥窟詞是這樣的(也許有混掉,三十年沒唱了)I saw the colors of the rainbowUp there against the distant sunglowThe air was soft and bluebirds could hideI wish that time was on my side So I could ride the pretty rainbowAnd fly across the western skySo come with 帛琉me and you’ll see my friendThe colors of the rainbow’s end I always remember of how we used to meetI heard sweet sounds up aboveThe meadow was so green when I sit down to dreamThat was the time when I found love I saw the colors of the rainbowUp 當鋪there against the distant sunglowOne summer’s day that rainbow cameThe colors of the rainbow’s end年輕讀書時愛唱歌還心裡默許個願、如果碰到愛唱歌又愛畫的男生國台英語唱得比我多就考慮嫁給他沒想到沒許這個願還好碰到不唱歌不聽歌也不愛畫的先生就戀愛結婚一定貸款搞定許多以前記的歌因年代久遠忘掉許多 年輕時的財產大宗是唱片大部份後來轉給兒子收藏但這首歌的唱片不知所終記得是以前姪女來和我住一陣子有一次她將我的一些唱片借給朋友開舞會用催討好久才要回來一部份有一次在格裡放一首somewhere over the rainbow就常想起這首想不起借錢來卻令我難以釋懷的老歌

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